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about us

We ensure smooth and successful IFE software developments by making easy for airlines to be represented in Southern California while locally supporting their IFE OEMs.

We know it's not easy for airlines to frequently be in Southern California to support and monitor continuously progress of an IFE system software development. We can offer technical and management support by representing your airline locally, working closely with and supporting your OEMs on a daily basis. From simple content validation or language validation on rack to complete IFE software development and certification management support, we are here to help, with your interests at heart.

Xavier Handequin


11+ years of project and program management experience in the IFE industry, dealing with software development, integration and certification on the major IFE OEMs' platforms.

Experienced driving all aspects of IFE software from PAXGUI content management, to applications and games conception/integration, and full PAXGUI and CT/iCMT software development/integration/certification - as a third party vendor and as a IFE OEM.

This unique experience along with deep technical understanding of the IFE systems and several connections at major OEMs (management, engineering, field) are the assets allowing ifeConsulting to ensure efficient and smooth IFE software integration and delivery.

We are flexible and ready to support you with any task you have in mind.

No full time and locally hired employee needed. Our contracts are tailored to your needs, from few hours to few weeks or even months, from one-off task to recurring support, from content validation to OEM management support for PAXGUI development.

We can support you with everything you need. Simple tasks like content validation (media, map, applications) or paxgui language validation. Or more complex tasks like PAXGUI features requirements definition or rack features validation against PAXGUI requirements (PAXGUI, CT, Usage/Survey). We can also provide FSAT/ATP readiness assessment prior to your visit in Southern California for certification. We can also support with training by reviewing OEM tools and documentation before responsibility is being transfered officially to airline.

Finally, we can provide support management with PAXGUI development, working closely with OEMs and vendors during PAXGUI update or new development - continously reviewing and reporting progress, advising on issues found during development and demos.

Long story short, we are ready to support with whatever you have in mind and how long you need. Contact us and let's see how we can help.

services and benefits

Onsite Management support - OEM/VENDORS
We can closely work with your OEMs/vendors  to support your activities - media, software engineering and program management needs - on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis based on your needs.
Last minute fixes or updates can fix but sometimes have the opposite impact on your PAXGUI. We can work with your OEMs to confirm any updates before their deployments in the field. Being local, we can quickly support any validation request.
Despite having IFE SW developed by different OEMs and technologies, ifeConsulting can review and enforce consistency of your IFE solution across OEM platforms. Also, early in the PAXGUI software development process, we can work with your OEM to assess and report GUI performance witnessed on rack.
GUIs are getting really complex: dual handsets, personalization, connected features, mobile apps connected to onboard WIFI, bluetooth connectivity... generating more requirements to validate and features to test. We can help with thorough testing early during development phase supporting an AGILE process but also prior to ATP/FSAT increasing customer validation success while preventing potential in field issues.
PAXGUI translation is critical to your passengers' experience. We can support rack review to ensure proper implementation.
professional and technical expertise
Our technical background in software development and integration allows for thorough validations and support of your IFE solutions.
save your money and limit impact on your budget
No need to hire a local resource full time. Only pay for the service or duration you require: from content review on rack, pre-atp/fsat validation to full program management.
Custom android and back-end app development
Coming Q4 2020 - we will soon offer custom android applications development for OEM platforms integration. We will also provide development of customized back-end solutions on AWS cloud platform.
Exclusive social media content for yours passengers
Coming Q4 2020 - There's more than mainstream content... Social media content is increasingly popular, high quality (some even 4k) and diversified. We can work with content creators to give you access to their content onboard.

ifeConsulting - representing your interests.